Photographing Teenagers

I love looking at the surprised faces of the parents of teenagers at the end of their Family Photography Sessions, especially as they have often pre-warned me that their kids won't be keen to participate!

Authentic Photography Sessions

I've never had a problem. The locations make the sessions much more authentic than a studio setting.

For the look, I want to find a look and style that help them feel comfortable, as it is only when they are relaxed that I can capture their genuine personality. As you can see from the examples there are many different creative options that can be used to help get a truly unique set of images.

Photography Locations

I hope you enjoy these examples, there's a good mix of locations and setting from gardens to city centres. Please get in touch with me if you want to find out more about teenagers or any type of Family Photography.

About Paul

Paul Saunders, a professional photographer, is based in Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, photographing weddings, families and businesses throughout Scotland. He also runs popular short photography training courses. Visit Paul’s other websites Paul Saunders Marketing & See Loch Lomond.

Thanks for reading this blog about photographing teenagers.

Paul Saunders

Paul Saunders Marketing, producer of promotional video, professional photography and marketing solutions to help businesses and charities in Scotland to grow.

Photographing Babies and Toddlers


Photographing Family Get-togethers